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Why am I here?

What is my purpose?

Where do I go from here?


Find your path and the meaning of why you are here, and live the life you were born to live.

Yes, we really are born with a life’s purpose, which I believe we plan before we’re born.

Our relationships and experiences hold the clues to reveal why we are here…  we just have to look for them!


As a writer, producer, storyteller and life-explorer, I’ve spent my life on a quest to inspire. But it was in breaking down the meaning of my own story, that I discovered how our life’s milestones map to meaning.

Join me on the journey to decode  behind your life’s purpose to help you live the life you were born to live.

THE Book

Find the meaning of why you're here, where your talents lie, and what you can do to live the life you were born to live.

THE Podcast

Join me and my soul sister Robyn as we dive deep into life’s biggest questions, and explore beliefs and teachings to help inspire and motivate you to live your fullest life.


Learn how to plot out your own personalized life map and get tools and insights to unlock the clues that will reveal your life’s purpose.


I’ll send you information about our online workshops and other media related to LifeMapping if you sign up here.